SILKSpoon About 2


Brand building meets wellness

In a world where many of us are striving for a purposeful and fulfilling life, those in the Self-development and wellness space are leading the charge.

You're not just sustaining yourselves; you're creating positive change through your work.

At SILK and Spoon, I'm here to support you on your journey to a fulfilling personal and professional life.

SILKSpoon About 1
Jessica Bachmann SILK and Spoon


I’m Jessica Bachmann

With a background in marketing and psychology, I collaborate effectively with personal brands and online service providers in the Self-development and wellness space, bridging the gap between strategy and soul.

I believe the demands and pace of modern world require a new way to lead life and business, one that is drastically different from what we know, one that leans into softness and reconnection to our essence.

It’s important to build a brand that not only serves others but also nurtures your well-being.

Amidst the vast online space, I offer guidance in crafting strategies that incorporate Self-inquiry practices through Polyvagal based nervous system regulation and psychotherapeutic trauma integration method developed by Dr. Gabor Maté.


on paper

In the marketing world, I have worked within a variety of roles, including Global Digital Asset Manager, International E-Commerce Operations Manager, and Onsite Marketing Executive. I have worked with brands such as Sotheby's, Net-a-Porter, and The Body Shop.

In the realm of wellness, I hold certifications as a Polyvagal-Informed Consultant, Compassionate Inquiry Graduate, Trauma Research Foundation Graduate, Advanced Study of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Certified and many others.

These dual domains allow me to offer a blend of marketing acumen and insights into human behaviours.

SILK and Spoon About Me Office




I went to boarding school in England and have a thick English accent.

SILK and Spoon fun fact2


I’ve lived in 3 continents.

Asia, Africa, Europe.

SILK and Spoon Fun Fact Mountain


I prefer mountains to beaches.


  • Building a legacy brand with clarity and elegance

  • Cultivating growth and well-being to flourish in personal and professional realm

  • Prioritise practices and well-considered strategies, ensuring long-term viability and impact for both personal and professional spheres

picture a world where

You feel nourished, and empowered in every facet of your life, from your professional pursuits to your personal well-being, anchored by these cornerstones


SILK and Spoon wishes to

Empower you to not only thrive in your professional endeavors but also in your personal life. 

Through fostering authenticity and sensitivity, establish a refined brand identity and market your services with a gentle touch.

SILK and Spoon Mission


build a refined brand

That not only embodies your core values but also nurtures your well-being and fulfilment, SILK and Spoon is here to guide you.

SILK and Spoon invite